September 27, 2011

Hysteria- Installation and Opening

 Posting this quite late (better late than never), here are the installation and opening images. Top images are by myself and the bottom two are by my significant other. Please pardon my squinting... I can not remember why I was not wearing my glasses that night.

September 22, 2011


見ませんかーthis is the focus of the current work I am trying to finish. I have yet to decide where this provocative ( atleast I hope it is~) statement can be put. 見- means to see, eyes etc. ませんか- basically means lets do this. In other words, let's see this. Paired with this very naked portrait it makes for an interesting work. This is the second work I have used Japanese text in. My other work is in my Tea series.
        As this work does not entirely cover the body but rather puts herself out there. This (hopefully) new series is a bit more provocative. Asking, begging etc. A large step away from "Reclaiming the Body" series and reaching towards "Hysteria" in its openness. Can not wait to get on to the second work~

September 18, 2011

New work and submission deadlines

Over the next little while I have 2 submission deadlines comming up. The first is for an OCAD University Alimni show next spring and the second is a full proposal for Xspace (OCAD U associated gallery). Slightly overwelming how much needs to be done but do-able.
      If any of you follow my Facebook fan page you are aware of the new work sitting around. Tea infused with a but of a watercolourist feel to them, some small meditations on tea and dao. I hope this medative series continues for quite some time. In addition my knitted series is in the planning stages of a continuation. Alot is going on. Updates may only occur once every two weeks unless there is enough to update earlier. I am organizeing my time for my art and Japanese study. Hopefully what I have learned ends up in my work.