May 27, 2011

New work

After seeing Nicholas DiGenova's work at LeGallery, I started this peice. Its more so to build up skill with my pen and ink.  I hope to get going on a series soon.

Going places

A card for a friend at work.

May 23, 2011

Website Progress

Working on the design aspects of the website. So this is all I have so far. I am comparing peer sites to see how they display their own work. Some use flash and others just use simple HTML. We will see how this progresses. But for now if you have a twitter or Facebook account please feel free to "Like" and "Follow" me. Wish me the best, I'm off for a quick cup of coffee <3

May 05, 2011

Website designing

Website design used to be easy for my generation. Now after about over 10 years of design neglect, all is lost. Building from the ground up is fun. I am finnaly learning CSS bit by bit.
Other than that I have an interview comming up for Lolita Vulgar Collective, will post details once we figure it out. For the time being if you have any questions e-mail me at with "Question- split/gender" as the header.

If you have time today head over to OCAD U for the annual Grad Show. Till next time